Jouyssance Christmas CD
Tests and translations
Gaude virgo mater Christi (Josquin)
Gaude virgo mater Christi
quae per aurem concepisti
Gabriele nuntio.
Gaude quia Deo plena
peperisti sine poena
cum pudoris lilio.
Gaude quia tui nati
quem dolebas mortem pati
fulget resurrectio.
Gaude Christo ascendente
et in coelum te vidente
motu fertur proprio.
Gaude quae post ipsum scandis
et est honor tibi grandis
in coeli palatio.
Ubi fructus ventris tui
nobis detur per te frui
in perenni gaudio. Alleluia.
Rejoice, virgin, Mother of Christ,
who conceived through your ear
by the messenger Gabriel.
Rejoice, for filled by God,
you gave birth without pain
retaining the lily of modesty.
Rejoice, for your son,
whose death you mourned,
shines in the resurrection.
Rejoice, for as Christ ascends,
and sees you in heaven,
he is borne of his own accord.
Rejoice, you who ascend after him,
for there is great honor for you
in the palace of heaven.
May the fruit of your womb,
through you, be given
in everlasting joy. Hallelujah.
Orienti oriens (anonymous, St. Martial school)
Orienti oriens
Stella nova claruit
Et Jacob egrediens
Lucifer emicuit
Balaam presagiens
Ut olim edocuit.
Auctor secli nascitur
Seculorum vespere
Ac magis agnoscitur
Artifex in opere
Adorandus creditur
Unus trino munere.
In ture divinitas
In auro dominum
In murra mortalitas
Et carnis supplicium
Et hec tria caritas
Offerat fidelium.
O rising from the east
A new star has shone;
And Jacob departing,
Lucifer has sprung forth,
Balaam foreshadowing,
As once he taught.
The Author of the age is born
In the evening of the ages;
Yet better is known
The Maker in the work.
It is believed the One in Three
Must be adored with tribute.
In incense, divinity;
In gold, kingship;
In myrrh, mortality,
and suffering of the flesh.
And the charity of the faithful
Offers these three.
Κοντάκιον των Θεοφανείων
Kontakion for Theophany (Byzantine chant)
Επεφάνης σήμερον τη οικουμένη, και το φως σου Κύριε,
εσημειώθη εφ’ ημας, εν επιγνώσει υμνουντας σε·
Ηλθες εφάνης το φως το απρόςιτον.
Epephanês sêmeron tê oikoumenê, kai to phôs sou Kyrie,
esmeiôthê eph’ hêmas, en epignôsei hymnountas se:
Êlthes ephanês to phôs to aprositon.
Today you have appeared to the inhabited world, and your light, O Lord,
has been signed upon us, who with knowledge sing your praise:
You have come, you have appeared, the unapproachable Light.
Propter nimiam caritatem (Dufay)
Propter nimiam caritatem suam,
qua dilexit nos deus filium suum misit
in similitudinem carnis peccati, alleluia.
On account of his overabundant love
wherewith he loved us, God sent his Son
in the likeness of sinful flesh, hallelujah.
Gaude virgo salutata (Dunstable)
Gaude virgo salutata angelico relatu,
mox es gravida libera omni reatu;
in te deitas humanata celesti flatu,
virgo manens illibata re et cogitatu.
Quod mirum si paveas, dum conceptus pandit
quanto magis caveas, cum ad partum scandit.
Dum virgo permaneas, mens hec verba pandit;
dicens "ne timeas," te mulcendo blandit.
Nondum contentaris, cum dicit parituram:
quomodo miraris fietque curam,
nescisse virum flaris, sed semper esse puram,
credo, quod miraris, mutasse naturam.
Angelus: concipies de superis celestem
Deum et tu paries filium terrestrem.
In te non est caries, natum habes testem
leviatam insanies, hic fert tibi pestem.
Rejoice Virgin, greeted by angelic message,
soon you are with child, free of every transgression;
in you divine nature is made human with heavenly breath,
remaining an undefiled virgin in deed and thought.
Fearing so wonderful a thing, when conception is revealed,
how much greater will be your care when it comes to the birth.
While you remain a virgin, these words are revealed to you:
saying "be not afraid," he soothes you gently,
but not as the message is brought to you saying you are about to give birth:
how you wonder at this duty, and it will come to pass,
you are said not to have known a man, but you are also pure,
I believe, because you wonder that you have changed nature.
The Angel said "You will conceive the Heavenly God
and you will give birth to an earthly son."
In you is no blemish, you have a born witness.
Rage, Leviathan, for this will bring destruction to you.
Gaude virgo singularis, mater nostri salvatoris,
radix vite popularis, germen novi floris.
Ex te sumpsit hinc tu paris ampullam liquoris
que virtute aquas maris tenes stilla roris.
Dic, quo verbo concepisti, angeli vultui
"Dominus tecum" audisti dicens, "fui tui."
Presentem conclusisti, tunc naturam sui,
Messiam invenisti de natura tui.
O celestis armonia, in hac junctione,
caro nostre cum sophia in unum persone;
qualiter ex qua via studeas colone,
hec sola mater novit pia et tu Jesu bone.
Mater heris Dei mundi redemptoris,
pia tu memento mei in extremis horis;
ne coartent mei rei, secum suis horis
et presentas faciei mei plasmatoris.
Rejoice, incomparable Virgin, mother of our Savior,
root of your people's life, shoot of the new flower.
From you he receives the drop of dew,
from which you bring forth a vessel of liquid
by virtue of which you hold the waters of the sea.
Speak, by that word which you conceived,
how from the angel's face you heard:
"The Lord is with you," saying, "I was yours."
You confined his presence, then his own nature,
you composed the Messiah from your own nature.
O heavenly harmony, in this union, our flesh with
wisdom in one person; all of this, pious mother,
you alone invented and you good Jesus.
Mother, heiress of God the redeemer of the world,
remember me, pious one, in my last hours;
may my defense not be confined, and you appear
with them in their hour to the face of my creator.
Virgo mater comprobaris matrem partus indicat,
claustrum ventris virginalis intactam te judicat.
Virginem cum divinalis natus ille benedicat,
celum, tellus, unda maris laudes tuas predicat.
Non est partus hic penalis qui matrem letificat.
Christus factus fraternalis sicut exemplificat.
Virgin mother you are attested, the birth declares the mother,
the enclosure of the virgin womb adjudges you undefiled.
When that divine one, born, blesses the virgin,
the heaven, the earth, the sea's waves make known your praises.
This birth is not a punishment, for it gladdens the mother.
Christ is made fraternal and this is our example.
Ave gemma celi luminarium.
Ave Sancti Spiritus sacrarium.
Hail, jewel of heaven's lights.
Hail, keeper of the Holy Spirit.
Magnficat regale (Fayrfax)
Magnificat anima mea Dominum, et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo.
Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae.
Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen ejus.
Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies timentibus eum.
Fecit potentiam in brachio suo: dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
Deposuit potentes de sede, et exaltavit humiles.
Esurientes implevit bonis, et divites dimisit inanes.
Suscepit Israel puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae suae.
Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, Abraham et semini ejus in saecula.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For he has looked upon the lowliness of his handmaiden.
For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For he that is mighty has magnified me, and holy is his name.
And his mercy is on him that fears him throughout all generations.
He has shown strength with his arm: he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their seat, and has exalted the humble and meek.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty away.
He has helped his servant Israel, remembering his mercy,
As he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed, for ever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Viderunt fines terrae (Zieleński)
Viderunt omnes fines terrae salutare Dei nostri. Alleluja.
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Hallelujah.
Joseph lieber, Joseph mein
Joseph lieber, Joseph mein,
hilf mir wiegen mein Kindelein,
Gott, der wird dein Löhner sein
im Himmelreich, der Jungfrau Kind Maria.
Eya, eya. Virgo Deum genuit,
quem divina voluit clementia.
Omnes nunc concinite,
nato Regi psallite,
voce pia dicite:
sit gloria Christo nostro infantulo.
Hodie apparuit in Israel,
quem praedixit Gabriel, est natus Rex.
Joseph, dear, Joseph mine,
help me rock my darling child.
God will reward you
in Heaven, child of the Virgin Mary.
Eia, eia. The Virgin gave birth to God,
whom heavenly mercy ordained.
Let all now sing together
and play to the newborn King;
with a holy voice, say:
Glory be to our infant child Christ.
Today he appears in Israel,
he whom Gabriel foretold, is born King.
Nato canunt omnia (Brumel)
Prima pars: Tenor
Joseph fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam:
quod enim in ea natum est, de Spiritu Sancto, alleluia. Noel.
O Joseph, son of David, do not fear to accept Mary as your spouse:
for indeed in her he is born of the Holy Spirit, hallelujah. Noel.
Prima pars:
Nato canunt omnia
Domino pie agmina,
Sillabatim neumata
perstringendo organica.
Haec dies sacrata,
in qua nova sunt gaudia
mundo plena dedita.
Hac nocte praecelsa
intonuit et gloria
in voce angelica.
Fulserunt et immanua
nocte media
pastoribus lumina.
Dum fovent sua pecora,
subito diva
percipiunt monita.
Magnificatus est Rex pacificus super omnes reges universae terrae.
Angelus ad pastores ait:
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum:
quia natus est hodie Salvator mundi, alleluia.
Natus alma virgine, qui exstat ante saecula. Noel.
Let rank upon rank now dutifully sing to their new-born Lord,
with music of instruments fitted to their words.
This is that holy day on which new joy is
Proclaimed to the whole world;
And on this night angel voices have sounded "Glory in the highest."
And in the dark night a great light has shone upon the shepherds.
While they tended their flocks, suddenly they heard the heavenly message.
Exalted is the King of peace over all the kings of the whole world.
The angel said to the shepherds:
I bring you tidings of great joy,
for today is born the Savior of the world, hallelujah.
He is born of the life-giving virgin, he who existed before the ages. Noel.
Secunda pars: Tenor
Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis.
Exortus est in tenebris lumen rectis corde:
misericors et miserator, et justus Dominus.
A boy is born unto us, and a Son is given to us.
A light has arisen in the darkness with a right heart:
a merciful and pitying, and a just Lord.
Secunda pars:
Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis:
cujus imperium super humerum ejus:
et vocabitur nomen ejus, magni consilii Angelus.
Verbum caro factum est, et habitavit in nobis,
Et vidimus gloriam ejus, quasi Unigeniti a Patre,
plenum gratiae et veritatis.
Magnum nomen Domini Emmanuel,
Quod annunciatum est per Gabriel,
Hodie apparuit in Israel,
Per Mariam virginem et per Joseph.
Eia, eia! virgo Deum genuit,
sicut divina voluit clementia.
Pax in terra reddita nunc laetentur omnia nati per exordia.
Ipse sua pietate solvat omnia peccata nostra. Alleluia. Noel.
A boy is born unto us, and a Son is given to us,
whose authority is on his shoulder;
and his name is called, the Angel of great judgement.
The Word was made flesh, and lived among us;
and we have seen his glory, befitting the only-begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
Great is the name of the Lord Emmanuel,
which was announced by Gabriel,
Today he has appeared in Israel,
by the virgin Mary and by Joseph.
Ah, ah! a maiden brings forth God,
as divine mercy willed.
Peace is restored on earth; now let all rejoice in the newborn at the start.
By his very love, all our sins are cleared.
Eso rigor e repente (Fernandes)
Eso rigor e repente.
Juro aqui se ni yo siquito.
Que aunque nace poco branquito
turu somo noso parente.
No tememo branco grande.
¡Tenle primo, tenle calje!
Husihe husiha paraçia.
Toca negriyo tamboritiyo.
¡Canta parente!
Sarabanda tenge que tenge,
sum bacasu cucumbe.
¡Ese noche branco seremo!
¡O Jesu que risa tenemo!
¡O que risa Santo Tomé!
Vamo negro de Guinea
a lo pesebrito sola,
no vamo negro de Angola
que sa turu negla fea.
Queremo que niño vea
negro pulizo y galano,
que como sa noso hermano
tenemo ya fantasia.
¡Toca viyano
y follia baylaremo alegremente!
Gargantiya regranate
yegamo a lo siquitiyo,
mantey ya, rebocico,
confite, curubacate.
Y de curiate faxu
e la guante, camisa,
capisayta de frisa,
canutiyo de tabaco.
¡Toca presa pero beyaco
guitarria alegremente!
¡Toca parente!
That sudden hardship.
Certainly here I'm not favored.
But although the child was born a little white one,
we all amount to brothers.
We have no fear of the big white one.
Come on, cousin, put on your shoes,
get dressed!
Play, black children, play the little drum.
Sing, brothers and sisters!
Dance, make noise, have fun.
Sum bacasu cucumbe.
Tonight we'll all be white!
Oh Jesus, what laughter we have!
Oh what laughter, Saint Thomas!
Let's go, Guinean blacks,
to the little manger by ourselves.
Don't let the Angolan blacks go
because they're all ugly blacks.
We want the child to see
only polished and handsome blacks,
such as our brothers,
who have fine clothes.
Play a Spanish song
and gaily dance.
Necklaces of precious stones
we bring to the little one,
a mantilla and little shawl,
candy and dried fruit.
And we bring a small sash,
gloves, shirt,
a little hooded cape made of wool,
and a little cane pipe for tobacco.
Play fast but skillfully
on the merry guitar.
Play, everybody!
Hombres, victoria, victoria (Guerrero)
¡Hombres, victoria, victoria!
que contra todo’l infierno,
el llorar d’un niño tierno
asegura nuestra gloria.
El sobresalto y la guerra
nasçió de nuestra cayda,
y agora Dios combida
con gloria y paz en la tierra.
Vida y alegre victoria
nos da apesar del infierno,
el llorar d’un niño tierno
asegura nuestra gloria.
Men, victory, victory!
for against all hell
a tender babe's cry
assures our glory.
Fright and war
were born from our Fall,
and now God invites us
with glory and peace on earth.
Life and joyful victory
he gives us in spite of hell,
a babe's cry
assures our glory.
Vamos al portal (Guerrero)
Vamos al portal
que vengo espantado
de ver un zagal,
cuya vista es tal,
que da luz al soto y al valle y al prado.
En el alta cumbre
me subi por ver
de qué pudo ser
tan divina lumbre.
Y vide un zagal
con su madre al lado,
Virgen celestial,
cuya vista es tal,
que da luz al soto y al valle y al prado.
Let us go to the stable,
for I was astonished
to see a child
whose countenance is such
that it lights the grove, the valley and the meadow.
To the high summit
I went up to see
whence could come
such a divine light.
And I saw a child
with his mother at his side,
a heavenly virgin
whose countenance is such
that it lights the grove, the valley and the meadow.
O qué nueva (Guerrero)
¡O qué nueva, o gran bien!
Danos d’ese bien aviso,
qu’está hecho parayso
el pesebre de Belén.
¡Quién pensó que un pesebruelo,
donde un flaco buey comia,
un rato fuese tan çielo
como’l vientre de Maria!
¡Alegria, o gran bien!
Danos d’ese bien aviso,
qu’está hecho parayso
el pesebre de Belén.
Oh, what news, what a great boon!
Tell us of this boon,
that the manger of Bethlehem
has been made paradise.
Who would have thought that a little manger
where a scrawny ox was eating
in a moment would become as heavenly
as the womb of Mary!
Joy, o great boon!
Tell us of this boon,
that the manger of Bethlehem
has been made paradise.
Ave Maria (Parsons)
Ave Maria, gracia plena; Dominus tecum:
benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Amen.
Jouyssance Christmas CD
TeXts and translations