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Jouyssance Early Music Ensemble
Cantiga: An early music journey through Iberia

The music of the Iberian Renaissance reflects its multi-cultural heritage:its Moorish and Jewish populations, the Catholic Church, the wandering minstrels and troubadours of medieval Europe, the Spanish kingdoms’ royal links to England, colonial influences, and local popular music traditions. Renaissance music from Spain has long been favored for its passion and beauty. However, audiences have had fewer opportunities to hear music from Portugal, mostly due to the relative paucity of sources. By sampling music of the 16th and early 17th centuries from the main cathedrals and court chapels in the Iberian Peninsula, Jouyssance hopes to bring this stunning repertoire to greater light.  

Cantiga Track Listing

Jouyssance Early Music Ensemble
Volume 2: A Tour of Christmases Past

Track listing:  
Gaude virgo, mater Christis (Josquin)
Orienti oriens (St. Martial school)
Kontakion for Theophany (Byzantine chant)
Gaude virgo salutata (Dunstable)
Propter nimiam caritatem (Dufay)
Magnificat Regale (Fayrfax)
Viderunt omnes fines terrae (Zielenski)
Joseph lieber, Joseph mein (Praetorius)
Nato canunt omnia (Brumel)
Eso rigor e repente (Fernandes)
Hombres victoria, victoria (Guerrero)
Vamos al portal (Guerrero)
O qué nueva (Guerrero)
Ave Maria (Parsons)